J-14: There's no question that Miley is boy crazy-she's dated guys like Nick Jonas, Cody Linley , Lucas Till , and Justin Gaston - yet none of the relationships ever work out.And it's not because Miley's not good for her guys - in fact, it's the opposite .She falls for them so fast that she doesn't truly know them until she's too far into the relationship.
Miley's first big love was Nick - and it was " lov at first sight " just moments after she talked to him on the phone for the first time , she says . " I was smitten .It felt like the whole world had stopped."
Thinngs felt so right with him from that moment Miley gave all of her heart " When you fall in love , that's it," she admits.But it suddently hit her - he wasn't in love the same way she was!
Depois do Nick, Miley namorou Cody , Jake Rian de Hannah Montana, mas se separaram por que Cody espalhou um boato sobre ela. Depois veio o Lucas Till, seu par romantico em Hannah Montana o Filme. Eles terminaram por causa da distância.Depoooois, veio o Justin Gaston, eles terminaram por que foram arranjados pelo Billy Ray!!E agora nossa querida Miley está namorando devagar, um passo de cada vez,o gato do Liam Hemswoth, seu par de The Last Song.
Miley with Kim Kardashian
Há 12 anos
Eu amo Niley, maas cara eu acho que a Miley e o Liam são muito mais fofos juntos.
ResponderExcluirFeio Clara, muito feio.
ResponderExcluirHehe, zueiraa, eu acho a Miley e o Liam muuito fofos... Alias, a Miley namora quem ela quiser, née?
Beeijos, Mariina.
hahaha,obviiio, a miley pode namorar quem ela quisseeeeeeeer!!